本文主要分析诗歌作品中实际存在的变异语言的种类、实质及其划分的标准。通过分析 ,我们可以看到 ,诗歌变异语言尽管怪诞不经 ,甚至晦涩难懂 ,但都是对世界的新理解和原初命名。它有如一道闪电 ,在刹那间照亮世界。在语言局限无不存在的现实面前 ,表达变异是反映无穷新知的必需的客观存在。变异语言常有的怪诞 ,并非诗人的乖戾 。
This essay aims mainly to analyze the kinds, essence and norms of the deviations that actually exist in poetry. For the convenience of investigation, poetic deviations can be divided into two kinds: formal deviation and logical (s emantic) deviation. Norm is considered or accepted as standard and used to disti nguish poetic deviation. There are two norms : language as the first norm for bo th formal and logical deviations, and logic that reflects reality as the second norm for logical deviation. We can see by analysis that although deviations of p oetic language are strange and out of convention, they are virtually the poet's new understanding and original naming of the reality.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)