目的 解剖观察桥小脑角面神经的显微解剖 ,研究面神经在桥小脑角的空间定位。方法 采用经福尔马林固定、灌注蛛红明胶的成人尸头 2 2具 (共 4 4侧 ) ,在手术显微镜下解剖观察并测量有关数据。结果 ①桥小脑角区面神经运动根发出部位在展神经根外侧平均 8.92mm ;中间神经发出部位在展神经根外侧平均 10 .97mm。②面神经自脑干表面至内耳门平均长度 14 .4 0mm。③面神经自脑干发出部位至交汇角的距离平均为 4 0 .0 2mm ;至三叉神经脑干端平均为 5 .6 0mm。④面神经内耳门处至交汇角的距离平均为 31.5 6mm ;至三叉神经节平均为 11.0 3mm ;至弓状下窝平均为 7.18mm ;至岩静脉注入点平均为 7.6 6mm。⑤面神经与矢状面所成的夹角为6 2 .89° ;与冠状面所成的夹角为 18.5 1° ;与水平面所成的夹角为 35 .5 5°。结论 桥小脑角区面神经与周围结构解剖关系复杂 ,本研究对于桥小脑角区的显微外科手术有重要的临床意义。
Objective To study the microanatomy of the facial nerve in cerebellopontine angle (CPA).To study the microsurgical anatomy of the facial nerve in cerebellopontine angle (CPA).Methods The facial nerve were studied on 44 sides of 22 adult head specimens with surgical microscope.Results ① The origins of the motor root and the nervus intermedius were lateral to the abducent nervus. The distance between the motor root and the abducent nerve averaged 8.92mm,and the distance between nervus intermedius and the abducent nerve 10.97mm.② The facial nerve from the brain stem to the internal acoustic pore,the meeting point of the transverse and sigmoid sinuses and the trigeminal nerve origin averaged in length 14.40mm,40.02mm,5.60mm,respectively.③On the average the facial nerve at the site of internal acoustic pore was 31.56mm,11.03mm,7.18mm,7.66mm away from the meeting point of the transverse ,sigmoid sinuses trigeminal ganglion inferior arcuate fossa and the meeting point of the petrosal vein,respectively.④ The angle of the facial nerve to the sagittal plane,coronal plane and horizontal plane averaged 62.89°,18.51°and 35.55°,respectively.Conclusion There is close relationship between the facial nerve and the surroundings which are significant to the microsurgy in cerebellopontine angle.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Weifang