中草药肾损害应受重视。它们多数是通过毒性反应致病 ,特别是用药过量时 ,少数也能通过过敏反应损伤肾脏。急性肾损害常导致急性肾小管坏死 ,临床出现急性肾衰竭 ;而慢性肾损害则导致肾间质纤维化 ,临床呈现慢性肾衰竭。本文列举了部分能引起肾损害的中草药 ,并详细介绍了马兜铃酸肾病及雷公藤肾损害。按药典规范化用药是避免中草药肾损害的关键。
The kidney damage caused by Chinese traditional herbs should be regarded.The pathogenesis of kidney damage is toxicity action in majority of patients,especially when over dosage herbs were taken,and probably is allergic reaction in minority of patients.Acute kidney damage frequently causes acute tubular necrosis pathologically and acute renal failure clinically,but chronic kidney damage often results in renal interstitial fibrosis pathologically and chronic renal failure clinically.In this paper several Chinese traditional herbs that might damage kidney were listed,and the Aristolochic acid nephropathy as well as the kidney damage caused by tripterygimn wilfordii were mentioned in detail.For prevention of the kidney damage it is very important to administrate the Chinese traditional herbs strictly according to the prescriptive dosage in Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China.
Journal of Clinical Internal Medicine