散文诗作为一种独立的文体 ,具有独特的美学品格 ,且是一个复合的结构系统。散文诗最重要的审美属性是心理特性。文章基于对散文诗的这种整体观照 ,并通过一定的比较分析 ,揭示了散文诗有别于诗歌和散文的个性美学特征 ,即审美视角的内向性 ,形象构筑的意象化 ,“韵在骨里”
As an independent literary form,prose poems has a unique quality and style of aesthetics,and is a compound structural system,its most inportant aesthetic attribute being psychological property.Based on this kind of aesthetic coordination of prose poems,and by some comparing and analyzing,this paper reveals the individualized aesthetic characteristics of prose poems different from poems and prose, namely,the introversion of the aesthetic visual angle,the imagination of images constructing,and the rhythm sense of beauty for“lingering charm is in the character”.
Journal of Neijiang Normal University