三皇之一的伏羲氏 ,是太昊的称号之一 ,又是古代“五大族团”的祖先之一。伏羲是距今约五六千年以前母系氏族繁荣阶段 (仰韶文化时期 )的代表人物 ,世代相传几千年 ,传说遗迹甚多。在旅游文化热兴起后 ,大体确定伏羲故里在甘肃省天水市 ,葬在今河南淮阳市。全国各地的伏羲文化研究 ,对弘扬祖国优秀文化 。
Fuxi, one of the three emperors, also a title of endless heaven, was among the ancestors of 'the Five Tribes' in ancient China. He was the representative of prosperity period of matrilineal society(Yangshao Cultural Era, china), 5,000 or 6,000 years ago. Tales about Fuxi came down from generation to generation. After the rising of travel culture, it is roughly decided that Fuxi was born in Tianshui city, Gansu province, and buried in Huiyang city, Henan Province. The study over Fuxi culture is of great significance to spread our splendid Chinese culture and to develop Chinese economy.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University