高等学校事业发展的关键因素在于是否有一批杰出人才以及人才是否能够充分发挥作用。为促进学校的快速发展 ,本着“以人为本”的思想 ,在人才培养和使用方面加强了管理创新 :从保护人才个性、激励创新精神、加强复合性人才培养以及科技人员人文素质的强化等方面努力培养创新性高素质人才 ;从改革人才业绩评价模式 ,为杰出人才搭建创业平台、展示学术成就方面强化激励机制 ;从促进人才协作、建立和谐的人才组织结构等方面力求进一步发挥个人及团队的作用。通过上述努力 ,使河北医科大学凝聚了一大批优秀的人才队伍 。
The key factor for the development of high institution is to have a great number of high level personnel,and fully deploy their function. In order to stimulate rapid development of university,it is necessary to take actions to strengthen the management innovation in personnel cultivation and deployment;protect personality of the people;incite the innovation spirit;cultivate complex personnel,reform the evaluation mode of personal performance;provide a flat form for phenom to create industry,and so on. Just in this way,Hebei medical university has agglomerated a great number of excellent persons and laid down a favorable base for rapid development of the university.
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