研究了磁场中液氦薄膜表面电子与涟波子强耦合和弱耦合的性质。采用线性组合算符方法导出磁场中液氦薄膜表面电子 涟波子系统的振动频率和基态能量。讨论磁场对表面电子 涟波子系统的振动频率和基态能量的影响。
The properties of the electronripplon system on the surface of liquid helium film in a magnetic field influence the properties of liquid helium very m arkedly. The problem of a 2D electron on the surface of a liquid helium film was formlated by Jackson and Platzaman as a surface polaron problem. The properties of electronripplon system on the surface of liquid helium film in a magnetic f ield have been of considerable interest. In recent years the ripplon problem in a magnetic field has been studied by many theoretical methods and the propert ies of the ripplonic polaron in a magnetic field are measured using experimental met hod by many investigators. An electron on the surface of a liquidhelium film i n a uniform magnetic field is studied as a polaron problem by Kato and Tokuda by an extended variational scheme of the LeeLowPines theory.Using the harmo nicos cillator algebra,Lin,Chen and Jin calculate the groundstate energy of the syst e m of an electron coupled to a ripplon on the outer surface of the liquidhelium film under the influence of a magnetic field of arbitrary strength. By means of a variational scheme of the Pekar type,a system of strongly coupled ripplonic p olarons on the outer surface of liquidhelium film under the influence of a mag netic field of arbitrary strength is studied by Chen and Jin.Cesar et al. determined the energy spectrum of the surface e lectrons on liquid helium films in the presence of a perpendicular applied magnetic fiel d by different approaches within second order perturbation theory.We studied the properties of the surface magnetopolaron in polar crystals by using a linear com bination operator method. However,by means of a linear combination operator meth od,the research on the pr operties of the electronripplon system on the surface of liquid helium fimls i n a magnetic field has not been studied so far. The properties of the surface ele ctron weakly and strongly coupled with ripplon on films of liquid helium in a ma gnetic field are studied. The vibrational frequency and ground state energy of t he surface electronripplon system on liquidhelium films in a magnetic fi eld was derived by using a linear combination operator method.The results show that,for the strong coupling the vibrational frequency λ o f the surface electronripplon system on liquid hel ium films in a magnetic field will increase with increasing electronripplon co u pling constant α and magnetic field B,whereas the ground state energy E0 will increase with increasing electronripplon coupling constant α and with de creasing magnetic field B.
Chinese Journal of Luminescence