[目的 ]建立化学性职业危害因素资料库 ,为设计上海市工种暴露模式 (JEM)提供线索。 [方法 ]按照上海JEM设计路径的有关步骤 ,搜集 1 952~ 1 989年化学性职业危害因素监测资料 ,对行业、工种、职业危害因素进行编码后将信息输入计算机 ,建立资料库。在整个过程中 ,注意对各个步骤进行质量控制。 [结果 ]建成后的资料库共有 1 97965条记录 ,541种职业危害因素 ,样品总数为 383 486个 ;共涉及上海市 2 0个区县的 2 3 1 92个工厂 ,40 8个行业 ,455个工种。记录数前 3位的地区为杨浦、长宁和虹口 ;记录数前 3位的行业和工种分别为工业专用设备制造业、化学原料业、玻璃制造业以及喷漆工、油漆工和铸工。 [结论 ]通过汇总分析表明 ,资料库较客观地记录了 1 952~ 1
The database of chemical occupational hazards was set up in order to provide some clue to designing the job exposure matrix(JEM) in Shanghai. According to the route of JEM,the data of chemical occupational hazards monitoring from 1952 to 1989 were collected and a database was set up after coding industries, jobs, hazards. Quality control was applied during the work process. There were 197,965 records with 541 chemical occupational hazards and 383,486 results of monitored samples in the database,referring to 455 jobs, 23,192 factories and 408 industries. The major records came from Yangpu,Changling and Hongkou Districts. Most records came down to special industrial machinery manufacturer,raw chemical producer and glass producer,painting worker,foundryman respectively. [Conclusion] The analysis and assessment suggested that the database had recorded the information of chemical occupational hazards monitored from 1952 to 1989 objectively.
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine