渗透效果是影响堆浸浸出效率的一种决定因素。对高泥矿堆进行了归类 ,它包括矿石筑成的矿堆、废石堆及我国南方地区的富含稀土矿的丘陵。布液方式 (包括堆顶布液、边坡布液、堆中布液和堆底布液 )是影响高泥矿堆渗透效果的一个重要因素。通过分析溶浸液在高泥矿堆中的渗流力学特性及矿堆浸出动力学 ,发现堆中布液不仅能很好地适应渗透性差的高泥矿堆堆浸浸出 ,而且可缩短溶浸液所携气体成分达到堆中的时间 ,还可有效减小或完全解决天气因素如多雨或寒冷所带来的负面影响 ,是高泥矿堆的最佳布液方式。以室内试验。
Penetration effect is a key factor affecting the efficiency of hea p leaching. High-clay heaps are classified into ore heap, mullock heap and rar eearth-rich hills in south China. The way in which leaching solution(including heap top distribution, heap slope distribution, heap inside distribution and he ap bottom distribution) is an important factor affecting the penetration effect of high-clay heap leaching. By analyzing the penetration characteristics of leaching solution in the high-clay heaps and the leaching dynamics of ore h eaps, it is shown that heap inside solution distribution is the best type, becau se it is not only suitable for heap leaching of high-clay heap with poor penetr ability, but also can reduce the time in which leach liquor carrying gas reaches heap inside or even heap bottom, as well as reduce or eliminate completely the negative influence resulting from rainy or low temperature weather. From laborat ory test and practical production of in-situ leaching of rare earth-rich hil ls, it is shown that the heap inside solution distribution has a good adaptabili ty to high-clay ore heaps.
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
国家自然科学基金项目资助 (No 50 0 74 0 34 )