研究了N1 92 3萃取回收钛白水解废酸中的钛时负钛有机相的反萃取。选择以硫酸和双氧水的混合溶液为反萃剂的络合反萃方法对负钛有机相进行反萃取 ,考察了硫酸浓度、双氧水用量、相比、平衡时间等对钛反萃的影响 ,测出了反萃等温线并进行了串级逆流反萃取模拟试验。试验结果表明 ,硫酸和双氧水的混合溶液是钛的良好反萃剂 ,控制适当的操作条件 ,可以有效地实现负载有机相中钛的反萃 ;经 5级逆流反萃取 ,钛的反萃率达 90 %以上 ,回收的反萃液TiO2 浓度达 38g/L以上。
In titanium dioxide production, titanium-loaded hydrolyzed sulfur ic acid is produced. Solvent extraction of titanium from the titanium-l oaded organic solvent using N1923 is studied. Titanium is stripped from the solv ent using complex stripping method, which uses mixture solution of H 2SO 4 and H 2O 2 as stripping agent. The effects of H 2SO 4 concentration, H 2O 2 d osage, phase ratio and equilibrium time on titanium stripping are inv estigated. Titanium stripping isotherm is measured and a simulation test on casc ade counter current stripping is conducted. The results show that the mixture s olution of H 2SO 4 and H 2O 2 is a good stripping agent for titanium, which can achieve effectively stripping of titanium from the titanium-loaded organic solvent by appropriately controlly operation conditions. The titanium recovery o f above 90% can be obtained by 5-stage countercurrent stripping and TiO 2 conc entration of stripping liquor is up to 39 g/L.
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 50 0 74 0 34 )