铁是机体内的重要微量元素 ,参与机体的多种生理功能及免疫功能。 90年代以来 ,人们对铁与细胞因子的相互关系作了较为深入的研究。细胞因子可通过IRE \IRE BP等途径调节铁的代谢。同时 ,铁的缺乏及过多也能改变细胞因子活性和产量。现就铁与细胞因子的关系及其临床价值作一综述 ,可望为铁紊乱的治疗提供进一步的理论依据。
Iron is one of the most important elements in vivo,which is involved in many physiological and immune processes.Recent works have uncovered unanticipated relationships between iron and cytokine since 1990s.Cytokine may modulate the metabolism of iron through IRE\IRE BP dependent pathway.Meanwhile,the lack or excess of iron can influence the activation and production of cytokine.The relationship between iron and cytokine and its clinical value are reviewed in this paper,which may give guide to the therapy of iron disorder.
Modern Diagnosis and Treatment