目的 了解本地区儿童意外损伤发生的特点 ,为开展意外损伤控制提供科学依据。方法 对 1996年 1月 1日至 2 0 0 0年 12月 31日我院 772例意外损伤患儿的临床资料进行统计分析。结果 意外损伤患儿占同期 0~ 14岁儿童住院病例的 8 13% (772 / 94 96 ) ;死亡 2 1例 ,伤死率 2 72 % (2 1/ 772 )。儿童意外损伤死亡居我院 0~ 14岁儿童死因顺位之首。 772例患儿男女之比为 5 4 3∶1。不同年龄段损伤类型的构成不同 ,1~ 5岁年龄段烫伤构成比最高2 2 6 % (6 1/ 2 70 ) ,其次是意外跌落 17 4 % (47/ 2 70 )和中毒 17 0 % (46 / 2 70 )。 6岁~ 14岁儿童均以交通事故损伤构成比最大 ,分别为 34 7% (78/ 2 2 5 )和 4 0 2 % (10 7/ 2 6 6 ) ,其次为切割、碰撞、运动损伤等自伤 ,分别为 2 4 4 % (5 5 / 2 2 5 )和2 2 2 % (5 9/ 2 6 6 )。 10~ 14岁儿童因打架斗殴等造成的他伤较小年龄组有增高趋势 ,构成比为 18 8% (5 0 / 2 6 6 )。结论 开展意外损伤控制在 1~ 5岁年龄段重点是加强幼儿教师及家长相应的监护措施 ,可由幼儿园和社区卫生保健机构负责对教师和家长的培训指导。同时对儿童进行安全教育 ,对 6岁以上学龄儿童 ,社区、学校、家长互相配合对中小学生进行交通安全及自我防护教育 ,同时加强道路?
Objective To investigate the risk factors of accidental injuries in childhood and to provide reference for the prevention of child accidental injuries.Methods A retrospective study was made on 772 cases of accidental injruies hospitalized children in Tangdu hospital from 1996 to 2000.Results The rate of accidental injuries cases to all hospitalized children (0-14) years old was 8.13%.Deaths resulting from the injuries was 21,the death rate was 2.72%.It was the first cause for the hospitalized children deaths.The ratio between male and female was 5.43∶1.The type of injuries in differential age groups were variant.The main injuries were burns(22.6%),falls (17.4%) and toxications(17.0%) in 1-5 years old group,traffic accidents(34.7%),cuts(24.4%) and sport injuries(22.2%) in 6-9 years old groups;traffic accidents(40.2%) and fighting injruies (18.8%) in 10-14 years old group.Conclusion The accidental injuries was a serious problem in children.The main injuries types were influenced by age,gender and other factors.Differential stratagems should be developed to prevent accidental injuries for differential age group children.
Chinese Journal of Public Health