
5例伴有t(16;21)(p11;q22)急性白血病的临床和实验研究 被引量:13

Clinical and experimental studies on five cases of acute myeloid leukemia with translocation t(16;21)(p11;q22)
摘要 目的 报告 5例伴有t( 16;2 1) ( p11;q2 2 )的急性白血病和其中 1例的染色体涂染分析。 方法骨髓细胞 2 4h培养后按常规方法制备染色体 ,采用R显带技术进行染色体核型分析 ,并以 16号和 2 1号整条染色体涂染探针对其中 1例患者进行染色体涂染检测。结果  5例均显示t( 16;2 1) ( p11;q2 2 ) ,占 15年来进行染色体检查的急性非淋巴细胞白血病患者总数的 0 3 % ( 5 /14 48)。 5例均无白血病细胞吞噬其他血细胞现象。 1例患者的染色体涂染分析证实了 16号和 2 1号染色体之间发生了相互易位。结论 t( 16;2 1)是急性非淋巴细胞白血病中 1种少见的非随机的染色体易位 ,代表了 1种独特的白血病亚型。染色体涂染技术是比常规核型分析更为可靠的检测该易位的手段。 Objective: To report five cases of acute myeloid leukemia(AML) with t(16;21) (p11; q22) translocation and the result of chromosome painting analysis on one of them. Methods: Chromosome specimens were prepared by short-term culture of bone marrow cells. Karyotype analysis was made by R banding technique. Chromosome painting was performed using whole chromosome probes 16 and 21 in 1 case. Results: Karyotype analysis showed identical translocation t(16;21) (p11;q22) in all five cases, accounting for 0.3% of 1448 cases of acute myeoid leukemia examined in the past fifteen years. Moreover, chromosome painting distinctly demonstrated t(16;21) in one of them. Leukemia blasts did not show hemophagocytosis in all of them. Conclusion: t(16;21) translocation is a rare and recurring chromosome rearrangement. It represents a specific type of AML. Chromosome painting technique is a more reliable means for detecting it, compared with the conventional karyotype analysis.
出处 《中华医学遗传学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期171-173,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics
关键词 细胞遗传学 染色体涂染 急性白血病 Animal cell culture Bone Genetic engineering Patient treatment
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