目的 探讨一次给药行CT增强扫描及静脉肾盂造影 (IVU)两种检查的可能性、可行性、方法及临床应用。资料与方法 选择 3 5例需行CT增强扫描同时又需行IVU检查者 ,对其中 3 0例利用自制压迫带 ,采用一次给药法先后完成两种检查 ;另 5例则于CT增强扫描结束后 ,在CT机上通过加扫定位TOP像的方式模拟进行IVU检查。结果 通过一次给药先后完成CT增强扫描及IVU检查 ,总成功率达 97.1% ( 3 4/ 3 5 ) ,其中在CT机上通过扫定位TOP像的方式模拟进行IVU检查 ,成功率达 10 0 % ( 5 / 5 )。结论 通过一次给药 ,先后完成CT增强扫描及IVU两种检查 ,可减少患者痛苦 ,缩短各种检查的周期 。
Objective To discuss the feasibility, technique and clinical application of performing enhanced CT scanning and intravenous urography (IUV) with a single administration of contrast.Materials and Methods A total of 35 patients who needed to undergo both enhanced CT scanning and IVU were enrolled in this study. Using a self-made depressing belt and a single contrast administration, the two exams were carried out successively in 30 cases. In the other 5 patients, IVU was performed immediately after enhanced CT scanning with the scanogram manner on the CT table.Results The total successful rate was 97.1% (34/35). The simulant IVU performed with CT scanogram was succeeded in all five patients. Conclusion It is feasible to successively perform CT scanning and IVU with only a single administration of contrast. This technique can relieve patient's pain, shorten the exam time, save the contrast dose and reduce the side effects induced by contrast agent.
Journal of Clinical Radiology
Contrast administration, single Tomography, X-ray computed Enhanced scanning Intravenous urography