4World health organization, Ceremonies to mark World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, http :/! www. who. int/mediacentre/news/notes/2007/np34/en/index, html, 16 November 2007.
5World health organization, the Global Burden of Disease.
6U. S. Department of Transportation, Compensating Auto Accident Victims:A Follow-up Report on No-Fault Auto Insurance Experiences. Washington, D. C. :Office of the Secretary of Transportation, 1985.76.
7James Hammitt, Automobile Accident Compensation, Volume 2:Payments by Auto Insurers. Santa Monica, Calif. : Institute for Civil Justice, Rand Corporation, 1985.49 - 52.
8Gary Schwartz,A Proposal for Tort Reform:Reforming Uninsured Motorist Plans,48 Ohio State Law Journal 419,440. 1987.