蒙古国乌兰巴托第三热电厂 75t/h煤粉炉改造为流化床锅炉工程已于 2 0 0 1年 9月圆满完成 ,改造后锅炉运行各项指标均达到设计值。结合锅炉改造设计、调试及运行特性 ,对煤粉炉改造为流化床锅炉进行了专项研究 ,总结了改造经验 ,为小型煤粉炉改造提供了有益借鉴。
The project undertaken by The Thermal Power Research Institute under State Power Corp of China for retrofitting a 75t/h pulverized coal boiler into a fluid bed one at Ulanbator Power Plant No.3, the Mongolian People's Republic, had been satisfactorily completed in September, 2001. After retrofitting, all operating indics of the boiler have reached designed values. Combined with retrofitting design, debugging and operating performance of the said boiler, a study of retrofitting pulverized coal boiler into a fluid bed one has been specially carried out, engineering experience for boiler retrofitting having been given, providing technical supports for design and operation of retrofitting pulverized coal boiler into a fluid bed or CFB boiler.
Thermal Power Generation