
我国劳动者工作时间特征与政策选择 被引量:22

The Characteristics of Working Hours and Policy Choice in China
摘要 基于权威的统计数据和微观调查数据的分析表明,当前我国劳动者工作时间呈现八大特征:虽然工时制度逐步与世界接轨,但加班现象仍然严重;"长工时低收入"与"短工时高收入"并存;过度劳动伴随工时闲置;男性"长工时"与女性"第二轮班"并存;城乡劳动者工作时间差异大;特大城市劳动者上下班时间长;雇主比雇员工作时间长;假期时间远少于世界平均水平。也就是说,我国劳动者还普遍存在过度劳动的问题,加班现象严重,这也许是"中国奇迹"的密码之一,但也带来了诸多问题,不可持续。为治理过度劳动,实现体面工作时间,应考虑进行如下的一些政策选择:经济发展方式转变是缓解过度劳动的关键;制度设计是缓解过度劳动的基础;适当的差异化设计是缓解过度劳动的手段;基于新技术建立的工时协商机制是缓解过度劳动的途径;政府宏观协助是缓解过度劳动的保障。 Data from authorities shows that there are eight characteristics of working hours in China.(1) Overwork is common, although the law of working hours is integrating with the world progressively.(2)Some workers put in a long workday with laughably small income, while workers obtain better wages with shorter hours.(3) Some workers are overworked but some ones have to remain idle.(4) Male workers work longer than female workers and 'second shift' is common in female ones.(5) There's a wide range of working hours between urban and rural workers.(6) Commuting time is long in large cities.(7) Employer work longer than employee.(8) Paid holidays are shorter in China than in most other countries. That is to say overwork is quite general in China. Perhaps this is one of the pass words of 'China miracle', but it is not unsustainable. This paper suggests that overwork should be removed, and decent work time should be advocated. So specifically, firstly, the key is transformation of economic development mode. Secondly, system design is the foundation. Thirdly, differentiated design for working hours is a way of relieve overwork. Fourthly, it is a good method to set up 'workinghours negotiation mechanism' based on modern technology. Fifthly, the help from the government effectively protects the workers' rights.
出处 《中国劳动》 2015年第1X期36-40,共5页 China Labor
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"构建和谐劳动关系研究"(12&ZD094)
关键词 工作时间 过度劳动 闲暇 Characteristics of Working hours Overwork Leisure
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