
基于扎根理论的知识员工工作脱离研究 被引量:1

Study on Knowledge Employees' Detach from Work Based on Grounded Theory
摘要 运用扎根理论,构建了知识员工工作脱离的PJD模型,即脱离感知、工作因素、行为驱动三个主范畴,以及对应的12个子范畴和提炼出的66个概念。在此基础上,探讨了PJD模型中主范畴的作用路径,即工作因素是外驱变量,脱离感知是内驱变量,行为驱动是调节变量,三个主范畴对知识员工工作脱离存在显著影响。同时,工作因素通过影响脱离感知和行为驱动来间接影响工作脱离,脱离感知也通过影响行为驱动来间接影响工作脱离。本文从组织、个人和家庭三个层面提出了知识员工工作适当脱离的优化策略。 Using the grounded theory, build knowledge employees' detach from work PJD model, including perception, job factors, behavioral driving in three main categories, as well as 12 subcategories and 66 concepts. On this basis, further discusses the PJD model the role of the main categories in path, job factor is external variables, perception is internal variables, behavioral driving is adjusting variables, they play significant impact on knowledge employees detach from work. At the same time, job factors indirect effects detach from work through perception and behavior driven, perception indirect effects detach from work through behavioral driving. Finally, from three aspects: organization, individuals and families put forward the action strategy.
作者 刘贝妮
出处 《中国劳动》 2015年第10X期89-95,共7页 China Labor
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金"企业弱势员工参与边缘化问题研究" 项目编号:14YJC630183 国家社会科学基金重大项目"集体劳动争议预防与处理机制的系统化建构研究" 项目编号:14ZDA006
关键词 知识员工 工作脱离 扎根理论 Knowledge Employees Detach from Work Grounded Theory
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