

Research on the Growth of Medical Insurance Expense Excessively Rapid in China
摘要 医疗保险费用的科学管理是医疗保险制度公平和可持续运行的基础。近年来,我国医疗保险费用支出增长速度超出医疗保险费用筹集的速度,医疗保险制度运行不可持续风险剧增,引起了政府主管部门和有关研究人员的广泛关注。本文在总结医疗保险费用支出相关研究的基础上,从医疗保险费用支出增长的合理性和非合理性两个方面进行了归类分析,提出医疗保险费用管理应从医疗保险费用支出过程、适度增长的"度"、医疗服务质量与医疗保险费用支出的关系、规范和监督医疗保险利益相关者等角度扩展研究的构想。 Scientific management of medical insurance is the foundation of the fair and sustainable operation of the medical insurance system.In recent years, the growth of medical insurance costs beyond its raising in China, the risk of unsustainable operation is swelling, it caused wide public concern. On the basis of summarizing the related research on medical insurance expenses, this paper made the classified analysis from the two aspects that one is the rational growth of health care cost,and the other is irrational, put forward the expanding research ideas of the management of medical insurance expenses from the process of medical insurance expenses, the 'degree' of moderate growth,the relationship between the quality of medical service and the health care expenses, the specification and supervision of medical insurance stakeholders etc.
出处 《中国劳动》 2015年第11X期61-64,共4页 China Labor
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"典型省份经济发展方式转变与产业 人口 教育 就业和迁移政策仿真模型技术平台研究" 项目编号:13AZD071 河北省高等学校人文社会科学研究重点项目"区域高新技术产业生长过程与关键要素研究" 项目编号:SD133008 河北省科技厅软科学研究计划项目"津冀科技型中小企业技术创新活动影响因素及政策研究" 项目编号:134576206D
关键词 社会医疗保险费用 支出 增长 筹集 合理性 非合理性 Social Medical Insurance,Expense,Growth,Raise,Rational,Irrational
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