Salary arrears are the existence of the market economy. From the employer's perspective, salary arrears can be divided into two types. One is called as the occupation salary arrears which is the purpose of illegal possession of subjective intentional behavior.The other is considered as risk salary arrears that employers are willing to pay wages on subject ive but object ively be reluctant. The related par t ies of sa lar y arrears include the government, the employers and the employees.The government responsibi l it y i n sa la r y a r rea r sis to est abl ish a nd ma i nt a i n t he order of pay ment and guarantee the labor's basic living life.The employers if refusing to pay for labors would constitute a crime. Employees are the victims in salary arrears. If salary arrears reach to the level of criminal, the employees are also responsible to take the risk of salary arrears when employees are also working for the employers or bearing long-term salary unpaid risks.
China Labor
Nature of Salary Arrears
Responsibility of Salary Arrears
Crime of Refusing to Pay Labor Remuneration