目的 :探讨管型吻合器在乙状结肠造口术中的应用。方法 :对 4 8例采用直管型吻合器行乙状结肠造口术的患者进行回顾性分析和随访。结果 :Miles手术 37例 ,Hartmann手术 11例 ;无手术死亡 ;术中结肠造口轻度出血 2例 ,吻合不完全2例 ;术后随访 1~ 30个月 ,造口皮肤瘢痕狭窄 1例。结论 :使用管型吻合器所作的人工肛门 ,美观大方、制作简单、术后恢复快、护理方使以及并发症少 。
Objective:To evaluate the application of circular stapler to sigmoidostomy.Methods:From June 2000 to December 2002,48 cases of sigmoidostomy with circular stapler were registered and followed up.Results:Of the 23 male and 25 female patients,37 Miles operations and 11 Hartmann operations were carried out with no clinical motality;but 2 cases with hyporrhea and 2 cases with incomplete anastomotic stoma during operation;All patients were followed up for 1 to 30 months after operation with cicatricial contracture of perifistular skin in 1 case.Conclusion:Artificial anus with circular stapler is well shaped and easy to perform.It has the benefits of early recovery,instant care and less complications thus is worthy of further clinical application.
Journal of Coloproctological Surgery