目的 :建立一种简便的多剂量二室模型静脉推注给药的给药方案设计方法。方法 :在获得中央室血药浓度和有关参数的数值计算方法后 ,采用EXCEL软件中单元格引用和函数引用的方法实现与给药方案有关的各种数值的计算。结果 :输入参数α、β、K12 、V1,以及给药间隔Ts、最低有效浓度(MEC)或最小中毒浓度 (MTC)后 ,电子表格显示最大给药剂量Dmax(或最低有效剂量Dmin) ;输入选定的维持量、给药周期n后 ,电子表格显示第n周期(或稳态 )任一次给药后的峰谷浓度、瞬时血药浓度、达坪分数、负荷剂量及有效血药浓度累积时间(Tec)。结论 :方法设计简单 ,使用直观、简便 ,既能为临床用药提供安全有效的剂量 。
AIM: To establish a calculation of dosage regimen design on multiple dosing intravenous bolus injection administration of two compartment model. METHODS: Microsoft EXCEL was used to write a program by the pharmacokinetic parameters to show the dosage regimen. RESULTS: The e table displayed maximum dose (D max ) and minimum dose (D min ) of the administration after inputting parameters (α, β, K 21 and V 1) ,dosing interval (T s), maximum toxic concentration(MTX) and minimum effective concentration(MEC). After inputting maintenance dose and cycle number (n), the e table displayed plasma concentration at any time after the administration, including C (n,s) max and C (n,s) min , fractional number of reaching plateau, loading dose and accumulating time when the plasma concentration was above MEC in Ts or a cycle interval. CONCLUSION: This design method can provide safe and effective dosage regimen for clinical administration.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics