目的 研究高中学生与中等师范学生心理状态。方法 用SCL—90对两校学生共140人进行测查,并将结果与中国常模比较。结果 高中学生有7项因子,中师学生有4项因子极明显高于常模组。结论 两校学生均有心理状态的改变,应加以关注。
Objective To study the psychological state of senior middle school and normal school students. Method A total of 140 students from two schools were tested with SCL90 and compared with Chinese normals. Result In comparison with normal groups.senior middle school students obtained much higher scores for seven factors.while it was four factors for normal school students. Conclusion Attention should be given to the psychological change of the students from the two schools.
Health Psychology Journal