
用FDTD方法计算二维各向异性涂层目标的RCS 被引量:15

Two Dimension Anisotropic Coated Object RCS Computed by FDTD Algorithm
摘要 给出了计算二维情况各向异性介质物体散射的时域有限差分 (finitedifferencetimedomain ,FDTD)方法公式 ,讨论了编程时应注意的问题。用FDTD方法计算了各向异性有耗介质涂层目标的雷达散射截面 (radarcossse tion ,RCS) ,说明这种介质涂层能够缩减金属目标的RCS。 The finite difference time domain (FDTD) algorithm for transverse anisotropic medium in two dimension is proposed. The results computed by FDTD are in good agreement with the one by plane wave expansion method. This algorithm is applied successfully to compute the radar cross sections (RCS) for a conducting object partially coated by anisotropic lossy material. The result demonstrates that an approproate anisotropic coating may efficiently reduce the RCS of a metallic object.
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期4-6,125,共4页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 部委预研基金项目资助课题 ( 0 0J3 .2 .2 .DZ0 110 )
关键词 各向异性介质 时域有限差分方法 涂层目标 雷达散射截面 Anisotropic medium FDTD Coated object RCS
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