在美国读语言课是不是能更快地提高英语水平?国外的英语培训和国内有什么不同?在国外读语言是否能更好地适应美国课堂?带着这些疑问,我入读美国最大的驻校语言中心—ELS(全称ELS EDUCATIONA L SERVICES,INC),进行为期一个月的"微留学"英语学习。不能去伯克利读书体验一把也是极好的ELS在全美有几十家语言学校,大部分都设在大学校园内。我所在的语言学校,是ELS伯克利语言中心。这里距离美国排名第一的公立大学—加州大学伯克利分校(University
What are the main differences of English learning in China and US? Are the students fully prepared when they have finished their language training? Learning English at English Language Centers in the USA, located on the campus of UCB, the director of Studying Abroad US workshop will give you the answer.
2015年第10期92-93 7,7,共3页
Studying Abroad