There are three turning points in the study of traditional Chinese logics:the first one is Yan Fu’s work of spreading logic to the East;the second one is the introduction of the methodology of cultural interpretation;the third one is triggerd by the general argumen-tation. Based on such academic badcground, this paper analyzes logic augumantations embodied in Zhanguoce from a point of view of general argumentation. As Jing Kemu points out, there are many Chinese classics that contain argumentations. Compared with the methodology of argumentation in other cultures, Chinese methodology attachs more signifance to the following points: dialogues, fables, and, ironies. Zhanguoce is the canonical case of these traditional Chinese argumentations, and is extremely featured. Zhanguoce has its own special method of argumentation and a characteristic architec-ture, which made good use of the method of“Changduan”,“Yuyan”(fables),“Tuilei”, and“Guiguzhishu”. Zhanguoce cannot be assessed merely according to the criteria in western informal logic. No matter which kind of criteria in informal logic is exploited, e.g., the Toulmin Diagram, Beardsley’s theory of analogy, difficulties and discordance will appear when they are utilized in assessment of the argumentations in Zhanguoce. New methods and criteria of assessment based on traditional Chinese culture should be put forward.
Studies in Logic