全面建设小康社会对全面加强大学生思想政治教育提出了全新的历史性要求。在全面建设小康社会进程中全面加强大学生思想政治教育 ,必须以“三个代表”重要思想为统领 ,紧紧围绕全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标来进行。要牢牢把握与时俱进这一精髓 ,积极探索与全面建设小康社会进程相统一的大学生思想政治教育的新途径。要加强思想理论教育的创新 ,拓宽实践教育的领域 ,促进大学生自我教育、学校教育与社会教育的良性互动 ,建立科学的大学生思想政治教育评价体系 。
In order to construct fully a comfortable society in China, entirely new historical demands are raised for fully strengthening ideological and political education of university students. In the course of fully constructing a comfortable society, it is necessary to strengthen fully ideological and political education of university students guiding by the important concept of 'the Three Representations' and striving for the goal of fully constructing a comfortable society. The quintessence of moving with the times must be held firmly and new approaches to educate university students ideologically and politically must be explored actively in harmony with the course of fully constructing a comfortable society. Innovations of ideological and theoretical education should be encouraged. Field of practical education should be broadened. The favorable interaction of the self education of the students, education by university and education by society should be promoted and a scientific evaluation system for ideological and political education of university students should be established so as to create a new generation of qualified personal for fully constructing a comfortable society.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
A Comfortable Society
University Students
Ideological and Political Education