More and more firms have noticed the importance of delivering information about corporate social responsibility(CSR)to job seekers. However, the existing literature did not discuss much about whether corporate social responsibility can enhance organizational attractiveness. Based on the perspective of social identity, we propose a moderated mediation model to explore the mechanism and condition of how corporate social responsibility influence job seekers. With three experiments we tested our hypotheses. Study 1 shows that corporate social responsibility can enhance organizational attractiveness significantly. Study 2 shows that the relationship between corporate social responsibility and organizational attractiveness is meditated by job seekers' anticipated pride. Furthermore, study 2 shows that this mediating effect is moderated by firm size. Study 3 shows that firm size would influence individual CSR attribution, thus moderate the impact of CSR on organizational attractiveness. The contribution of this research can be concluded as follows: Firstly, we extend the literature on CSR and human resource management by linking CSR and job seekers. What is more, by highlighting the meditating role of job seekers' anticipated pride, we contribute to the understanding of how CSR impacts job seekers. Secondly, we examine the contingent factor that moderates the influence of CSR on job seekers through job seekers' anticipated pride. By highlighting the moderate role of firm size, we contribute to the literature on the area of CSR and human resource management. In addition, by focusing on the role of CSR attribution, we explore the mechanism of why the moderator of firm size works. Besides theoretical contributions, this research also has some important managerial implications for undertaking corporate social responsibility activities and recruitment. Based on our findings, firms can use CSR to help them improve their organizational attractiveness and attract appropriate talents in the job market. And the findings of this research suggest that firms should make their CSR images fit with the size of the firm during recruitment.
Nankai Business Review
Corporate Social Responsibility
Organizational Attractiveness
Firm Size