本文主要介绍了使用流媒体编码工具RealPresenter G2把用PowerPoint制作的传统的电子课件编码成带有作者详尽讲解或外语录音的流媒体课件,通过流媒体服务器可以实现网上点播、网上直播等现代化远程教学。较之传统的电子课件,极大丰富课件本身内容,而且它采用流式传输技术,具有播放速度快,不需预先下载,用户端不保存,也就没办法更改或抄袭作者的作品,可以实现收费观看,进行商业化操作等优点。
The article mainly introduces converting PowerPoint slides into Streaming Media with slides, audio, and video of the speaker's narration. With the Streaming Medial technology, real - time teaching in distant education and courseware - on -demand can be implemented on the net. Compared with traditional courseware, it enormously expands the information of itself, and it can be rendered by RealPlayer over the Internet, and no waiting for downloads, no physical copies of content on client pc, it protect the author's copyright.
Foreign Language Teaching & Research in Basic Education