

On the End of Contestable Culture and the Rise of Cooperative Culture: Starting with a Kohlberg book Beyond the Culture of Contest
摘要 迈克尔·克尔伯格的《超越竞争文化——在相互依存的时代从针锋相对到互利共赢》一书是一部对资本主义竞争进行全面探讨的著作,也是对现代资本主义文明中的竞争行为及其制度保障进行深入反思的著作。的确,在现代社会中,人的所有社会生活和交往中都存在着竞争行为,而且,形成了竞争文化。从竞争的角度认识现代社会,是一个重要视角,对于理解这一社会的性质有着无可替代的意义。司法过程以及学术活动往往并不像经济过程那样被人们视作竞争的场所,但克尔伯格恰恰是通过对这些领域的考察,发现和证明竞争文化的无处不在。然而,竞争文化只是人类历史发展过程中的工业社会这一阶段的文化,在全球化、后工业化进程中,一种合作文化正在生成,并将取代竞争文化。特别是在对规范的考察中可以发现,与竞争文化相伴的,是法律文化;与合作文化相伴的,将是道德文化。 Michael Kohlberg’s book Beyond the culture of contest: from adversarialism to mutualism in an age of interdependence is a comprehensive exploration into the capitalist contest and an in-depth reflection upon the contestable behavior in modern capitalist civilization and institutions. Indeed, contest exists in every field of social life and contacts in modern society, thus forming a culture of contest. A contestable perspective is important and irreplaceable in understanding the nature of modern society. Unlike economic processes, judicial processes and academic activities are often not seen as fields of competition, but it is precisely through the examination of these fields that Kohlberg proves the presence of a culture of contest everywhere. However,the culture of contest is only the product of industrial society in human history. In the process of globalization and post-industrialization, a cooperative culture is being born and will replace the culture of contest. Especially by reviewing norms, we can find that the culture of contest is accompanied by a legal culture while a culture of cooperation a moral culture.
作者 张康之 ZHANG Kangzhi(School of Public Administration,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期7-18,共12页 Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地--伦理学与道德建设研究中心重大项目:"社会治理的伦理重构"(16JJD720015)
关键词 竞争文化 法律文化 合作文化 道德文化 迈克尔·克尔伯格 competitive culture legal culture cooperative culture moral culture Michael Kohlberg
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