Arendt’s critique of the philosophical tradition entails a fundamental critique of the Aristotelian concept of praxis itself.The pre-philosophical Greek tradition takes praxis as the solution for the transience of human life,while Aristotle distinguishes praxis and poeisis in terms of self-sufficiency.This distinction is further connected to a change in the temporality of action:the Aristotelian version aims at the present,which makes contemplation as the highest life.In Arendtian and Heideggerian terms,a persistent feature of Occidental metaphysics is at work within Aristotle’s realignment of the concept of action,namely,the subordination of the contingency and factuality of the past and of the uncontrollability and unpredictability of the future to the necessity and certainty of the permanent present-in other words,the subordination of the temporality of action to the temporality of thinking.Despite some interpretational problems,Arendt’s reading of Aristotle support her claim that philosophy has,since ancient times,effectively aspired to dismiss the truly political by thinking politics in terms of production,as a means for attaining a higher,supra-political end.
Academia Ethica