
农村幼儿教师资格准入的价值困境与制度选择 被引量:8

The Value Dilemma and Institutional Choice of the Qualification for the Rural Preschool Teachers
摘要 农村幼儿教育是中国幼儿教育发展的薄弱环节,农村幼儿教师素质直接影响农村幼儿教育事业的发展成效。农村幼儿教师资格的准入质量对于发展农村幼儿教育事业进而提升中国幼儿教育整体质量具有关键性意义。当前,我国农村幼儿教师准入在城乡"一样"还是"不一样"、机制"变"与"不变"和需求"求质"还是"求量"等方面存在诸多价值困境。为此,在幼儿教师资格制度建设工作中,应当充分审视农村教育资源尤其是师资建设条件,在农村幼儿教师资格准入制度方面应以"和而不同"的城乡幼儿教师资格准入为制度取向;建立"由外而内求量"和"由内向外求质"的双边准入政策;以"大数据"促进资格准入制度的机制建设成效。 Rural preschool education is a weak point in the development of education in China. The quality of rural preschool teachers directly affects the results of development of rural preschool education. The qualification system for rural preschool teachers are facing some value dilemmas. These dilemmas include three aspects:the integration of urban and rural areas,the demand orientation,and the operation mechanism. Based on that,we think that,in the construction of preschool teachers’ qualification system,the rural education resources should be fully examined in the system of the qualification system for rural preschool teachers,we can realize the following basic considerations:regard qualification access of'Draw but different'between urban and rural preschool teacher as the system orientation,establish a bilateral admittance policy for 'quantity supply from outside' and 'quality pursuit from inside',and use big data to promote the construction of the system of qualification admittance system.
作者 汤颖 邬志辉
机构地区 东北师范大学
出处 《现代教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第11期93-97,共5页 Modern Education Management
基金 吉林省教育厅2016年度人文社会科学研究规划课题"农村幼儿教师培养模式与资格制度建设研究"(吉教科文合字[2016]233号)
关键词 农村 幼儿教师 准入制度 价值困境 制度选择 rural area preschool teacher access system value dilemma institutional choice
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