为了解决肉鸡场鸡粪污染及鸡场的供热问题,本研究在制备鸡粪与木屑混合物颗粒的基础上,利用氧弹式量热仪测定样本的燃烧值,探讨不同比例鸡粪与木屑混合物燃烧值的变化情况以及储存时间对燃烧值的影响程度。混合物分为8组,鸡粪比例为20%~100%。结果表明,新制颗粒的燃烧值范围为11.12~15.48 MJ/kg,随着鸡粪比例的降低,颗粒的燃烧值显著上升;颗粒储存1个月后各组燃烧值下降幅度为4.90~0.69 MJ/kg,随着鸡粪比例的降低,颗粒的燃烧值下降幅度显著减小。考虑颗粒燃烧值和储存时间两个因素,在生产中推荐鸡粪与木屑质量比为4:6,可充分保障混合物颗粒的供热需求。
In order to solve manure pollution and heating problems in broiler farm, we prepared pellets made by broiler manure and sawdust, and combustion values were detected by a machine called oxygen bomb combustion calorimeter. Meanwhile, combustion values affected by different pro-portions of chicken manure and sawdust mixture as well as changes in storage time were also stud-ied. The mixture was divided into eight groups, in which 20%~100% chicken manure mixed. The re-sults show that the combustion value range was 11.12~15.48 MJ/kg in different groups, with the proportion of manure reduced combustion value increased significantly; the combustion values de-clined 4.90~0.69 MJ/kg when pellets stored a month later, and the combustion values were signifi-cantly reduced with the decrease in the proportion of broiler manure. Taken combustion value and storage time into consideration, it is recommended that the optima ratio of broiler manure and saw-dust is 4:6, which can fully meet the needs of each farm in the field.
Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Broiler manure
Pellets preparation
Combustion value