
韩国政府21世纪大学发展策略述评——兼论近年来韩国政府与大学之间的关系 被引量:8

Strategies of South Korean Government for the Universities in the 21^(st) Century
摘要 20世纪90年代初至今,韩国金泳三与金大中前后两届政府的大学发展策略具有很明显的连贯性。金泳三政府的大学发展策略强调大学的多样化与特色、自主地位、科学研究以及与之相关的研究型大学的建设。金大中政府则设计和推行了大学的BK21工程,将重点放在研究生教育、研究型大学的资助上。两届韩国政府都希冀改革后的大学能够为21世纪的韩国提供足够的高层次人力资源,推动韩国科学技术研究的进程,从而增强韩国的国际竞争力。 Current Kim Dae Jung Administration kept in operation the university reform framework of Kim Yong Sam Administration from 1993-1997. With regard to the university reform for the 21st century, Kim Yong Sam stressed the diversification and specialization, autonomy and establishment and promotion of research university and regional university. His successor, Kim Dae Jung designed and implements Brain Korea 21 Project for universities in the coming century. The Project integrated Kim Yong Sam抯 principles, and more importantly, emphasized funding for graduate education and research-oriented universities. Both these two Administrations of South Korea believe that the reformed universities could develop as much higher-level human resources as needed, and could push forward the national scientific and technological research for South Korea entering into a knowledge-based society in the 21st century
作者 陈立 刘华
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期18-22,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 韩国政府 21世纪 大学 发展策略 科研工作 研究生教育 South Korean Government 21st century university development
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