
计算网格的资源分发和发现机制 被引量:3

The Mechanism of Resource Dissemination and Resource Discovery for Computational Grid
摘要 Computational Grid is a large-scale distributed computing environment. The resource management of com-putational Grid discoveries and locates and allocates resources for users within the filed of grid environment as theyhave a request to these resources. The other case for that is co-operating in order to finish a large computing. Thesetasks are accomplished by the mechanism of resource dissemination and resource discovery of the resource manage-ment for the grid system. In this paper, some problems about resource dissemination and resource discovery are dis-cussed and analyzed,further more future work about that is proposed. Computational Grid is a large-scale distributed computing environment. The resource management of computational Grid discoveries and locates and allocates resources for users within the filed of grid environment as they have a request to these resources. The other case for that is co-operating in order to finish a large computing. These tasks are accomplished by the mechanism of resource dissemination and resource discovery of the resource management for the grid system. In this paper,some problems about resource dissemination and resource discovery are discussed and analyzed,further more future work about that is proposed.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期12-13,24,共3页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(69873018)
关键词 计算网格 资源分发 资源管理系统 资源发现 计算机网络 Computational grid,Resource management,Resource dissemination and resource discovery
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