当今世界潮流汹涌澎湃 ,全球发生了一系列深刻变化。面对更大范围、更深层次应对经济全球化的挑战 ,加快经济结构战略性调整 ,要在新世纪完成三大历史任务 ,实现中华民族的伟大复兴 ,迫切需要我们解放思想。只有思想统一了 ,行动才能统一 。
Seeking unity in thinking through the emancipation of our mindsis to meet the need of adapting ourselves to the new challenge in the new situation. The international situation is undergoing profound changes. In the face of the more large-scale and profound challenge of the economic globalization, we should seek unity in thinking through the emancipation of our minds, so as to speed up the strategic adjustment of the economic structure, to accomplish the three major historical tasks in the new century and to bring about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We cannot unify our actions to create a new situation without seeking unity in thinking.
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University
emancipation of the minds,seeking unity in thinking