1[1]Bradley, Sculley. The American Tradition in Literature. Toronto:Random House, Inc., 1956.
2[2]Gibert,Sandra M.and Gubar,Susan(ed.).The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women. New York: W.W. Norton & Company,1985.
3[3]Magill,Frank N.Survey of Contemporary Literature(Vol.11).New Jersey: Salem Press,1977.7509.
4[4]Rran, Bryan (ed.).Major 20th Century Writers(Vol.3).Detroit:Gale Research Inc,1991.2203-2210.
5[5]Ungar,Frederick and Mainiero, Lina. Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century (Vol.4). New York: Frederick Ungar PublishinCo, 1975.271-272.
6[8]转译自 the Author's Note of them: "And so the novel them,which is truly about a specific ‘them'…"