在实验室中对龙江血居吸虫(Sanguinicola lungensis)尾蚴在不同温度下对鲫鱼苗的感染力随时间的变化进行了观察。在不同温度下尾蚴对鲫鱼苗的感染力均随生活时间的延长而降低,但在不同温度下,尾蚴的感染力变化趋势不尽一致;尾蚴的存活时间随生活温度升高而缩短,部分尾蚴在4℃中生活48h,在20℃中生活36h,在25℃中生活30h和在14℃中生活36h后均仍具有感染力,在32℃中放置24h后的尾蚴已不具有感染力。
According to number of adult flukes obtained from Carassius sp fingerling infected with a certain number of S. lungensis cercariae to know the life-span and dynamics of infective ability of S. lungensis cercariae at 4℃ , 20℃ , 25℃ , 14℃ and 32℃ , it showed that infective ability of S. Lungensis cercariae reduced with live time at different temperature and cercariae was most suitably live at 20℃ . the higher temperature, the lower life-span of cercariae, the cercariae of S. lungensis survied for over 48 hours at 4℃, 36h at 14℃ and 20℃ , 30h at 25℃ , 12h at 32℃.
Journal of Tropical Medicine