3David L. Heymann( ed), "Creutzfeldt- Jakob Disease" in the Control of Communicable Diseases Manual (18th edition) , Washington DC: American Public Health Association, 2004, pp. 191 -194.
4Basham v. Owens -Coming Fiber Glass Corp. (D. N. M. 1971 ).
5Urie v. Thompson (S. Ct. 1949).
645 U.S.C, § 51 et seq. (1908).
7Louis Trust Company v. Johns - Mansville Products Corp. (Ky. 1979).
8Gary D. Centola,Strict Compliance Of New York: Toxic Tort Discovery Rule, http://www, rivkinradler, com/rivkinradler/Publications/newformat/200409centola, shtml.
9N.Y. Civ. Practice L&R. §214-c(2), (McKinney, 1990).
10http ://www. civillaw, com. cn/article/defauh, asp? id = 10839.访问日期:2009年9月17日.