与一般英语文体相比 ,英语经贸契约的用词有其特殊性。本文作者以大量经贸契约条款为例和作者多年从事经贸契约翻译的经验 ,较为全面和详细地分析和阐述了英语经贸契约用词的理解和翻译 ,文章重点分析了其常见的六种用词特点。这不仅对正确理解和翻译契约中的用词大有帮助 ,而且对正确理解和翻译经贸契约也是大有裨益的。
The author of the thesis has given an extensive and in-depth analysis and expatiation upon the understanding and translation of the wording of business contract with numerous examples of such contract clauses, focusing on their six common features of wording and its translation. This will not only be conducive to the correct understanding and translation of the wording of English business contracts but also improve the understanding and translation of business contracts as a whole.
Journal of Leshan Normal University