There are opportunities in front of Shanghai Hydraulic Industry. Such as implementing 'industry 4.0' from now on, plant of hydraulic enterprises in Changjiang River Delta around Shanghai, and the advantage of talent and information. We should have our strategy as priority as advantage expanding, diversifying and edge-technology development. Innovation Engineering Center should be established for Shanghai Hydraulic, Pneumatic and seals Industry based on the enterprises. Our technology will focus on water hydraulics, intellectual hydraulics, energy-saving as well as hydraulics for power industry. We call it as '1 water 3 energies' as Chinese expression. If we pursuit such technologies, we have to pay more attention and investment on them with our strategic decision under 13.5 National Plan. Because it represents the future of our industry, we should put forward with our execution. Therefore, our target is to become new motivation around all of our country.
2015年第5期1-4 24,共5页
Fluid Power Transmission & Control
Industry 4.0
Shanghai Hydraulic Industry
water hydraulics