以噪声试验台液压系统的折弯式管道为例,采用ANSYS Workbench进行有限元联合仿真,研究了流固耦合作用对管道振动的影响。仿真结果表明,流固耦合是引发管道振动的重要原因,在双向流固耦合作用下,管道的固有频率会明显降低。通过在合适位置增加卡箍约束管道,可以在不改变管系主要特征和管道结构的基础上,降低液压管道的流固耦合振动,最终实现减小管道的振动及降低噪声的目的。
Fluid-structure interaction on the vibration of hydraulic pipeline system was investigated in this paper with bending type piping of the low-noise test-bed as an example by using ANSYS Workbench finite element simulation.The results show that the fluid-structure interaction is the main cause of pipeline vibration. The natural frequency of the hydraulic pipeline under the double-path fluid-structure interaction decreases significantly. According to the clamps' optimal design, vibration control of the hydraulic pipeline was investigated. This method can reduce the vibration on the basis of keeping the major character. Finally,thus in this way, the vibration of the pipeline has been reduced, as well as the noise.
Fluid Power Transmission & Control