师生互动型教学是相对于授受型教学而言的 ,它指师生在一定的教学目标下围绕一定的教学内容协同发生教学行为 ,以达到预定的教学目标 ,它具有平等民主性、活动协同性、学生学习的责任与权利统一性的特点。课堂教学从授受型向互动型转化依赖于教师观念的转变。
Opposed to didactic teaching method, interactive teaching method is one kind of teaching activities guided by teachers according to the teaching content to reach the anticipated target. It has the following characteristics: the equal democracy, the cooperation among students, the unity of students' duty and rights. The transformation from didactic teaching method to interactive teaching one depends on the change of teachers' teaching ideas, the adjustment of teaching actions, the evaluating standard and so on.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)