加入WTO之后 ,我国行政文化中的规则意识、开放意识和“民本位”意识将会得到强化。然而行政文化的复杂性决定了入世后我国行政文化的发展和重塑将是一个渐进过程 ,不可能一蹴而就。这需要人们尤其是各级政府及其行政人员自觉实践江泽民同志所提出的“三个代表”重要思想 ,与时俱进、开拓创新 。
After China's entry into WTO, the sense of rules, the sense of openness, the sense of pro people will be greatly enhanced in our administrative culture. But the complexity of administrative culture determines that the development and reformation of the administrative culture is a gradual process. It demands all the people, especially the government of different levels, carry out the important thought of 'Three Representatives' consciously, and put forth the harmonious development of administrative culture.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)