测定了来自同一风化煤的改性腐植酸盐及未改性的腐植酸钾在安丘粘土上的吸附量,结合它们分子表面电荷密度的测定结果以及 pH 对它们在粘土上吸附量的影响的实验,得出:在相同条件下,不同腐盐在粘土上的吸附量与它们的分子表面电荷密度有关,分子表面电荷密度越高的腐盐,其在粘土上的吸附量越小。
By measuring the absorption amount of the modified humates and the K^+——humate on the Anqiu clay,combining their molecular surface charge density and the influence of the PH on the absorption of the humates by clay,the results proved that the absorption amount of the different humates on the clay under the same condition decreases as their molecular surface charge density increases.