全球契约的由来"全球契约"首先是一种思路和价值观,在1995年召开的世界社会发展首脑会议上,前任联合国秘书长科菲·安南曾提出"社会规则"、"全球契约"(Global Conpact)的设想。之后于1999年1月在达沃斯世界经济论坛年会上,前联合国秘书长科菲·安南正式提出"全球契约"计划,呼吁企业携手政府等公共机构,共同致力于应对全球化进程中的各种挑战,参与解决人类共同面临的一些世界性重大问题。
"Global Compact" is a thinking and value put forward by the former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan.The United Nations Global Compact,as the entity to promote the value,was officially established in New York,the US in July 2000.The Global Compact Network China is a duly authorized network in China by the United Nations Global Compact,with the primary missions of encouraging and facilitating enterprises to comply with and implement ten basic principles,such as human right,labor standard, environment and anti-corruption,improving the international status and profile of Chinese enterprises and promoting their sustainable development against the backdrop of economic globalization.