目的 探讨黄芪、异博定对防治大鼠庆大霉素肾毒性的效果。方法 在腹腔注射庆大霉素的同时,分别用含异博定的黄芪汤剂、混悬液灌胃,各组用药均为7 d。结果 各实验组尿N-乙酰-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)均比正常组显著增高,且模型组增高更明显,肾皮质中丙二醛(MDA)含量模型组比其它各组增高,而预防组与正常组之间差异不显著,肾皮质谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性较正常对照组有非常显著性下降,且模型组较各预防组下降更明显。光镜检查发现模型组近曲小管上皮细胞广泛变性与坏死,各预防组有灶状至片状变性,坏死偶见。结论黄芪、异博定对庆大霉素肾毒性有保护作用。
Objective To explore the protective effects of huangqi and isoptin on the nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin in rats. Methods Rats were randomly divided into four groups: 1. normal group, 2. model group, 3. huangqi group, 4. isoptin group. The model group was made by intraperitoneal injection of gentamicin. In experimental 3,4 groups the rats were poured into stomach by huangqi or isoptin respectively after giving the gentamicin. Renal function, vorkinase and morphological were detected at different intervals. Results Urine NAG and renal cortex MDA were significantly higher in group 2-4 than that in group 1 and group 2 much higher than other groups. Serum of GSHPx activity decreased singnificantly in groups 2-4 than that in normal group. Linght microscopy showed extensive degeneration and necrosis in proximal tubule epithelial cells and vacu-olization in distal tubules in modle group, but only focal or patch degeneration in huangqi and isoptin groups and necrosis was seldom. Conclusion Huangqi and isoptin may play a role in the protection of nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin.