
燃烧基础研究的进展和挑战(英文) 被引量:11

Recent progress and challenges in fundamental combustion research
摘要 超过80%的世界的能源转换是由燃烧方法来实现的.发展可利用替代燃料的清洁和高效的新型发动机是解决可持续能源发展的关键之一.在燃烧研究领域,实现这一目标的挑战是要揭示从燃料分子到发动机的多尺度燃烧过程中化学反应和火焰动力学机理,发展高效,定量的数值模拟方法和开发新的燃烧技术.该文从7个方面综述最近几年燃烧领域的基础燃烧研究的进展和挑战.它们包括低温清洁燃烧的发动机技术,极限条件下的燃烧机理和现象,替代燃料和混合燃料模型,多尺度化学反应模拟方法,高压燃烧反应动力学,基础燃烧的实验方法,和先进测量技术.该文首先介绍均值充量压缩点火(HCCI),反应控制压缩点火(RCCI)以及增压燃烧等新型发动机的概念,评述燃料特性和低温燃烧反应过程对湍流燃烧和发动机的影响,讨论发展基础燃烧研究的必要性.第二,综述燃料浓度分层燃烧,稀薄燃烧,冷炎燃烧,以及等离子体助燃等极限燃烧条件下的新的燃烧现象和火焰机制.第三,以航空煤油和生物柴油为例来讨论建立模拟真实燃料和替代燃料的混合燃料模型的方法.介绍活性基指数和输运加权的反应焓的概念并用来比较燃料的高温反应特性和评价燃料的分子结构对燃烧特性的影响.第四,评述详细化学反应机理简化的方法.介绍多时间尺度(MTS)的化学反应的模拟和动态关联性自适应机理简化(CO-DAC)的方法来提高详细化学反应机理的计算效率.第五,讨论高压燃烧的火焰传播速度的实验测量结果以及高压燃烧化学反应机理所存在的问题,并分析高压燃烧的关键组分和反应路径.第六,评述测量火焰速度和组分等基础燃烧实验方法和模型中的问题和误差来源.介绍一些改进测量方法和提高测量精度的方法.最后,介绍测量低温燃烧中的关键组分和自由基的测量方法和最新进展. More than 80% of world energy is converted by combustion. Development of efficient next generation advanced engines by using alternative fuels and operating at extreme conditions is one of the most important solutions to increase energy sustainability. To realize the advanced engine design, the challenges in combustion research are therefore to advance fundamental understanding of combustion chemistry and dynamics from molecule scales to engine scales and to develop quantitatively predictive tools and innovative combustion technologies. This review will present the recent progresses and technical challenges in fundamental combustion research in seven areas including advanced engine concepts using low temperature fuel chemistry, new combustion phenomena in extreme conditions,alternative and surrogate fuels, multi-scale modeling, high pressure combustion kinetics, experimental methods and advanced combustion diagnostics. Firstly, new engine concepts such as the homogeneous charge compression ignition(HCCI),reactivity controlled compression ignition(RCCI), and pressure gain combustionwill be introduced. The impact of low temperature combustion chemistry of fuels on combustion in advanced engines will be demonstrated. This is followed by the discussions of the needs of fundamental combustion research for new engine technologies. Secondly, combustion phenomena and flame regimes involving new combustion concepts such as fuel and thermal stratifications, plasma assisted combustion, and cool flames at extreme conditions will be analyzed. Thirdly, alternative fuels and methodologies to formulate surrogate fuel mixtures to model the target combustion properties of real fuels will be presented. A new concept of radical index and transport weighted enthalpy will be introduced to rank the fuel reactivity and to assess the impact of molecular structure on combustion properties. The success and limitations of the current surrogate fuel models will be discussed by using jet fuels and biodiesels as examples. Fourthly, the difficulty of modeling large kinetic mechanism of real fuel will be discussed. The multi-time scale(MTS) method and the correlated dynamic adaptive chemistry(CO-DAC)method for kinetic model reduction and computationally efficient modeling will be compared and analyzed. Fifthly, the progress and challenges of high pressure combustion kinetics for hydrogen and larger hydrocarbons will be discussed. The important pressure dependent reaction pathways and key intermediate species at high pressure will be analyzed. Fundamental experimental methods for combustion and their uncertainties in acquiring combustion properties for the validation of kinetic mechanism will be discussed. Finally, recent progress in diagnostics of HO2, H2O2, RO2, ketohydroperoxide, and other key intermediate species for high pressure kinetic mechanism development will be summarized. Conclusions and opportunities of future combustion research will be made.
作者 琚诒光
出处 《力学进展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期26-97,共72页 Advances in Mechanics
基金 supported by the open research fund of State Key Laboratory of High-temperature Gas Dynamics at Institute of Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Science supported by research grants including the US DOE Energy Frontier Research Center on Combustion (DE-SC0001198), DOE-NETL(DE-FE0011822),AFOSR (FA9550-13-1-0119, FA9550-07-1-0136), ARO (W911NF-12-1-0167)
关键词 替代燃料 燃烧反应机理 多尺度模拟 实验方法 激光测量 alternative fuels,flame chemistry,multiscale modeling,experimental methods and uncertainty,multi-species diagnostics
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