为建立紫外分光光度法测定消毒剂和抗菌剂中三氯生的方法,采用紫外分光光度计,在280 nm波长下,对用无水乙醇稀释后的三氯生样品直接测定,进行了工作曲线、精密度、回收率等实验。结果,当标准溶液在0.0~50.0 μg/ml浓度范围内,回收率90%~105%,相对标准偏差1.5%,与高效液相色谱法对比,结果无显著性差异,并与配方值相符。经过对54℃ 14 d和37℃ 90 d保存样检测,标准和样品含量均没有降低。结果显示,三氯生具有良好稳定性,紫外分光光度法测定三氯生含量,方法简便、快速、准确、灵敏度高,适宜大批样品测定。
In order to establish the method for measuring triclosan in disinfectants and antimicrobials, ultraviolet spectrophotometer was used to measure directly at 280 nm wavelength the triclosan sample diluted with absolute ethyl alcobol. The working curve was drawn and experiments for precision and recovery were carried out. When the standard solution was within the concentration range of 0.0- 50.0 μg/ ml, the recovery rate was 90%- 105%, with relative standard deviation of 1.5%. The results showed no significant difference as compared with high performance liquid chromatography and conformed to the prescription values. Measurement of samples after storing at 54℃ for 14 d and at 37℃ for 90 d found no decrease in triclosan content of standard and samples. The results indicate that triclosan is quite stable and measurement of triclosan content by ultraviolet spectrophotometry is simple, convenient, quick, precise, highly sensitive and applicable to measurement of large quantities of samples.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection