
追溯技术在旅游者移动行为研究的综述 被引量:12

The Use of Tracking Technologies in Tourists' Mobility Behavior Research:A Literature Review
摘要 旅游活动常被认为是日常生活的溢出,而"移动范式"的出现促使旅游活动被置于社会活动的核心位置,移动性也逐渐成为旅游研究中的核心命题。然而,旅游者移动行为研究需要采集大量游客时空移动数据,这在很长一段时间里制约了该研究的进展。近年来,移动互联网技术和地理信息技术的发展,使得对游客个体时空移动信息的精确追溯和记录成为可能,从而给旅游者移动行为研究提供了前所未有的契机。该文全面回顾追溯技术在旅游者移动行为的应用研究,在进行详细文献分析的基础上指出:(1)传统追溯技术和现代追溯技术都有各自优势和劣势,因此将二者有机结合有利于更好地开展旅游者移动行为的研究;(2)每种现代追溯技术均有其各自的优劣势和适用空间尺度,因此需要根据所研究的问题及其空间尺度选择合适的追溯技术;(3)追溯技术的发展在研究尺度、研究对象和研究精度等维度都对旅游者移动行为研究产生了深远的影响。 Tourism is generally regarded as being separate from daily life;however, the emergence of the mobilities paradigm arguably allows tourism to be considered central to sociocultural life instead of being at the margins. The concept of mobility involves not only the large-scale movements of people,objects, capital, and information worldwide, but also the more local simultaneous processes of daily transportation, passages through public spaces, and the everyday movement of material things. As a kind of social phenomenon, tourism refers to the spatiotemporal tourism behavior of independent individuals who leave their habitual residence to visit the tourism destination and then return to their habitual residence. Studying tourist mobility helps to understand the tourists’ experiences and behavioral patterns, which can contribute to the design, management, planning, product development,and marketing of the tourism destination. Therefore, the study of tourists’ mobility behavior gradually became a hot topic in tourism research. However, there is a growing need to gather tourists’ movement data for mobility behavior studies. This study drew its impetus from recent advances in mobile Internet and geographic information technologies, which make it possible to collect accurate information about tourists’ spatiotemporal movements. This study focused on the use of tracking technologies in tourists’ mobility behavior and reviewed 2339 papers from the Web of Science and 1120 papers from China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI). CiteSpace, which focuses on the analysis of the potential knowledge in scientific research, was used to analyze the 3459 papers. Several conclusions were obtained:(1) Modern tracking technologies have advantages, such as their high precision(e.g., global positioning systems [GPS]) and huge quantity(e.g., digital tourism footprints), while traditional technologies(e.g., questionnaire surveys) reveal nonspatial information(e.g., individuals, societies,economies, sensory perceptions). Therefore, combining modern and traditional technologies is valuable in improving the accuracy of behavior analyses.(2) Each modern tracking technology has its own advantages and disadvantages in addition to its applicable scale. For example, GPS is suitable for the middle or micro scales, while the mobile phone data is especially applicable for the macro scale.Therefore, it is necessary to consider the spatial scale of the problem to be resolved when selecting the appropriate tracking technologies.(3) With the development and wide application of tracking technologies in tourism, the accurate tracking and recording of tourists’ spatiotemporal movements can be realized. The unprecedented extent of these massive trajectory data facilitates the continuous observation of tourists’ mobility and research into tourists’ spatiotemporal behavior. The data also provide good opportunities to understand the relationship between individual tourists, tourist groups,and the tourism system. Thus, the data have had a profound effect on research into tourists’ mobility behavior. In particular, the development of tracking technologies has expanded the research from the macro to the micro scale, transformed research subjects from tourist groups into individual tourists,tourist groups, and the tourism system. The combination of various data sources has increased the accuracy of research into tourists’ mobility behavior.
作者 袁雨果 郑伟民 YUAN Yuguo;ZHENG Weimin(Chengyi University College,Jimei University,Xiamen 361021,China;School of Management,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期48-59,共12页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于轨迹数据的景区游客时空运动模式挖掘及内在机理研究"(71601164) 教育部人文社会科学基金项目"大数据驱动的景区游客时空运动模式挖掘与分析研究"(16YJC630177) 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目"移动互联网时代下的游客时空行为模式研究"(JAS160017) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"移动互联网时代下的旅游景区游客时空运动模式研究"(20720161005)资助~~
关键词 追溯技术 移动性 旅游行为 研究综述 tracking technologies mobility tourist behavior review
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